the legend of spyro: dawn of the dragon walkthrough

32K Posts. If you want to get that crystal you might have seen when getting that switch you'll need to step onto a crumbly platform fall down it. Look out for his attack. Head into the blue circle. Hunter gives you Earth Breath but tells you that the game will automatically select the correct breath to use for you, how nice of it. The development team knew that previous Spyro games and most other games aimed at younger audiences have a very cartoonish visual style. Even the list is increasing day by day and new games are launched daily. Jump down to the left all the way and then to the right down a moving platform and through the barrier you just turned off. Wall Jump up the wooden parts above where the Ape appeared and go right at the top. Spyro Enter The Dragonfly | Many Cool. Jump onto the moving platform behind you. As long as you have a lot of health you should be fine. Drop down into the well. Super Metroid 's atmosphere is unmatched. Complete the Catacombs. Head down the steps and smash that final pillar at the bottom. i like the destyer. Picking up these will increase the breath bar but only for the character that physically collects it. Time to learn about gems. Wall Jump up the vertical platforms on your right and drop down onto the grassy platform beyond. som1 better help me!!! Head left through the blue circle. Avoid its arrows as you jump towards it to kill it. While Krome Studios originally had Spyro, Sparx and Cynder remain the same inside the time crystal when Hunter discovers them, the art direction by tranges Libellules aged them up at the request of Sierra Entertainment, who wanted to update Spyro and Cynder's looks to take advantage of the next-generation consoles of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Now jump up to the switch and then after along the high up platforms going left towards a checkpoint and then through the barrier. The Yellow variety have no particular elemental weaknesses or immunities so you can pretty much use anything on them. This will open the barrier on the right for you to go through. The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon is the third and final installment in The Legend of Spyro trilogy released October 21, 2008 in North America. 11 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any. At the start you get given a choice, either to go through the tutorial or not. The Toxic hit bonus from this armour gives Spyro and additional hit during melee attacks which also does more damage. Fly back to this and plant Cynder on the climbing zone in the middle. i'm having trouble getting 2 of the rubies.. hello people, well i need help!!!! Step onto the moving platform and go right, glide over a series of lava gaps going right. Drop down the platforms to where the game tells you about looking down. At the bottom of this one jump to the next platform and then next and you'll find a Bright Yellow Orc to kill. Head right down the slope towards a Red Orc and a Yellow Wyvern. Along with the blue Spirit Gems there are also red ones that restore lost health. Jump up to a Yellow Orc Archer to kill him, then up onto the platforms hanging by chains (jump across to an alcove to get some blue gems). Platform(s): Kill them both and carry on along this platform until you start going down a slope. The Sierra producers of the trilogy soon challenged tranges Libellules to come up with an updated look for Spyro that still felt like the same character. Getting through in one go without dying requires a bit more effort though as you need to be good at firing at the flying enemies. I work the hardest possible to provide you the best gaming help. Continue down to the left and instead of Wall Jumping upwards continue downwards. Info Drop down at the end (up doesn't go anywhere) and you'll be on another slope. So I figured out half the controls on my own, then I got stuck on the first, fifth, and seventh levels. Presumably the game tells you to look up so that you don't waste your time going up to the dead end. Wait for the moving platform and ride it until you can jump off onto a black stone platform. Kill it in the usual way and then the Wyvern past it. Further on to the right and it's time to learn how to glide. Kill another Red Orc and a Yellow Wyvern just beyond it. i have the ds version how different is it from the ps2 or others its really short and im at the burned lands im playing it while im on here, i hate the ds version so much. Go through and step into the blue circle to trigger a cutscene and move into the next part of the tutorial level. Vivendi GamesSierra EntertainmentActivision Drop down and kill the archer on the ground before heading right and then up a moving platform. At the top to the left is the final Seal of Perfection. Enchanted Forest. i am stuck on the part where U hav 2 find the 4 crystal keys! Go through and drop down to a barrier and Spyro will take over. Although Krome Studios developed the last two Legend of Spyro games, Etranges Libellules developed the console editions of Dawn of the Dragon, while Tantalus Media did the Nintendo DS version. The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon DS Version Walkthrough Walkthrough Table of Contents Catacombs Flight Through The Valley Golem Dragon City Dam Destroyer Destroyer Heart Destroyer Burned Lands Flight To The Floating Islands Floating Islands Malefor Catacombs At the start you get given a choice, either to go through the tutorial or not. Spyro (or Cynder if you switch) will fly forwards constantly all you have to do is make sure he avoids obstacles with the dpad and to shoot enemies with the stylus. Going up to the right will take you to a Light Blue Orc and going down to the right will take you to the Dragon Doors, you're still missing one door though so go left. Turn around and just jump down that hole. Kill the Goblin and the one down beyond it to the left. Draw the Wyvern off to kill it first before going back to kill the Troll. The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon is a 2008 action-adventure video game in the Spyro series.It is the third and final installment in The Legend of Spyro trilogy and the sequel to The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (2007), marking the tenth anniversary of the game series. Take the moving platform just past them and to the right at the top. Spyro Enter The Dragonfly review. Attached to a peg on the stone platform, they are unable to escape when a massive Golem attacks them. When I could of used the tutorial and this guide all along. I do 100% collectibles runs to show where all of the secrets are. As before you're shown your target, a single pillar. Going right there's a hidden enemy to kill and then climb the platforms going right to a switch on the wall. Go right to go through and left to not. You can go back to the previous levels but only with the same stuff that you had at the time you played that level. Now drop down to the right and the crystal at the bottom on the left has a breath upgrade inside (don't drop down the gap here, it'll just take you to earlier in the level). E: 29/12 Win a xbox and games (U-15's) 4 December 2008 at 9:12PM in Game over. The Fury Gems from previous titles have been removed (replaced by dark crystals that can drain magic if they're not destroyed), and the Fury Meter now goes up depending on the number of times Spyro or Cynder score attacks on enemies. I got this game last year and I havnt played it since,I just played it again and i got stuck on the Dam,Thanks to the walkthrough that helped me get pass the dam. PlayStation 3 Nintendo Wii Xbox 360 PlayStation 2 Nintendo DS They also have another feature called melee combos. Heading down to the right is just a dead end so head up to the right. Go right and jump up over the gap, kill the enemy up there and smash the crystal. Continue going right and kill the two enemies near each other, then jump and glide over the thorns. He'll start walking to the left and stop a bit further to the left than he was when you first arrived. Hit the switch at the top and then drop down (double tap 8) through the platforms to get back to the ground. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly | Bad Game Hunter had followed the enemies to where Spyro and Cynder were and had observed the whole scenario unfold from the shadows. Later that night, the Dark Master, Malefor, sends them an omnious message. The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon | Table of Contents | Gameplay | Walkthrough Hunter, Spyro, Cynder and Sparx approach the dragon city but find it besieged by Malefor's army. There's another large Troll up ahead for you to kill right after yet another Red Orc. Kill the Red Orc up top and carry on right until you get to where the above platforms stop (or continue onwards to get to a purple gem cluster). Just after the Fear Door is yet another colour Sprite, an Orange Sprite. Go left and make sure to land on the crates in the green water, don't fall in! Kill them both and then drop down the wooden platforms at the far end to the bottom and go right. Click here to get to the correct walkthrough. Wall Jump up to the platforms above you. NOW I CANT SMASH THE DESTROYER'S HEART! Go back down to the middle and go right, stepping onto a moving platform beneath where you came down. You shouldn't get hit by the flames or the fist if you time it right. Pass by and jump up inside the building and up through a thin platform to a Green Goblin. He is the main antagonist in The Legend of Spyro trilogy. If you've got low health when you go in you might want to try dodging backwards after a few hits then going back in, but otherwise just ignore the hits (unless your health gets very low of course) and hit away until he dies. Go right at the bottom (the way might seem blocked but that's actually in the foreground and you just go behind it, you'll see a lot of that). Jump up the platforms after it and you're now going to the right. Meanwhile, Spyro and Cynder awaken in a dark area, wondering what has happened to them. If you can't guess by looking at it then trial and error is always an effective option. It'll stop partway down so jump to the left and hit a switch on the wall there. Jump over the crates and onto the lift, you can go up to kill another Orc Archer, down just underneath where you walked along to kill a Green Goblin, down below that to a normal Yellow Orc. When they get there, the Hermit fully gets under Cynder's skin with his words that she hasn't changed since she was under Malefor's control, and that "her eyes give everything away". And the game now reveals itself to be a dumbed down version of the previous two mobile games. While Spyro is stronger but slower, Cynder is faster but weaker than Spyro. Checkpoint. Kill a pair of Bright Yellow Orcs and hop aboard a moving platform at the far end. Keep going left down and then to the right. Go right down the steps, kill the Goblin Messenger as you go. Jump onto the green platform on the right above the steps and up onto the roof where the blue switch is. I've already beaten the game so I can help. Just past the gems is your first enemy, a Rock Rat. Walk to the right and hit the switch on the wall, turn around and use the moving platform to go down. It's time to gain Electric Breath and Wind Breath as well as a breath upgrade which makes them twice as powerful. Playstation 2 SPYRO Enter The Dragonfly. Ignitus leads the attack on the Destroyer as Spyro and Cynder go into its heart, taking out its Dark Crystal. Jump off the top one and wait to get onto the one below it. Before he takes The Chronicler's place, Ignitus asks what has become of Spyro. Producer(s): At the top go left, smash a crystal, step down onto a platform that starts moving left. This is the first Spyro game that allows a player to fly at any time they want (free-fly mode). Time your jump up so that you're not hitting the fireball. Flying as before, there's very little to say here other than do what you did before but shoot a bit more. The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon is an action-adventure apocalyptic video game which is the third and final installment in The Legend of Spyro trilogy, as well as the tenth. Forced romance alert! Jump to the right and make your way upwards. Once you arrive go right, kill an enemy and jump over a gap to another checkpoint. does anyone know how to beat the part where you have to "awaken the four dragon guardians" by using rubies so u can get the gate open in dragon city?? Go right at the bottom and you'll meet another enemy to kill, keep on going right and jump up some small platforms just after, there's an arrow pointing upwards to show you where to wall jump. Jump and glide to the left where there's another moving platform waiting. Drop down the new gap and continue right where you'll meet a new enemy a Blue Sprite. Jump up the platforms and Wall Jump to the top and head left, kill the Shadow Ape that appears around here. If you don't want to bother getting a Red Health Mask go down before the roof and the path is relatively easy, go up onto the roof to go the more difficult but rewarding way. In the Nintendo DS version, the story varies differently from the console versions: Spyro and Cynder aren't tethered together by snake collars, Hunter frees them from the time crystal, the Golem fights Spyro and Cynder at the entrance to Dragon City and is defeated, the Destroyer is defeated but Spyro and Cynder still had to confront Malefor, Dark Spyro and Volteer do not appear in the game, and Malefor himself intiated the world's destruction through his power instead of the Destroyer's. Cross the thorns and go into the section on the same level, the crystal here has a breath powerup to collect. The Golem looks different in the DS version then the Console version. Once you've done that it's the level over. Going right through the tutorial section jump over the obstacles and up some steps to where you get told about double jump. After both Spyro and Cynder open the gates to the Ancient City, the attack force proceed through it. its a good thing i got it for ps2, the ds version really is horrible i beat it in under 4 hours and its 2d. [9], Overall, the game has received generally mixed reviews upon its release, earning an average score of 62% by Metacritic. i can't find da 4th!! They manage to escape The Catacombs, tangling with the Golem and removing its arm in the process. FAQs. He messes with their heads, first by telling Spyro that the destiny of the Purple Dragons is to destroy the world, then saying that Cynder has led him into a trap the entire time, by luring him to the Well of Souls to free Malefor. Now head back out and go down that moving platform and to the left, kill the archer and jump up to the checkpoint. Head to the edge of a bridge and jump over the gap right after a boulder falls from above. [6] Sierra producer, Christopher Wilson, stated that they took the opportunity to explore different looks and "ages" for both Spyro and Cynder. Once you've avoided the rocks start attacking the glowing purple crystals on the heart and then the heart itself when it turns a solid pink colour. Spyro's offensive armour is geared towards boosting melee attacks. Kill an enemy and jump over some lava to a teleporter. Kill the Yellow Goblins and continue jumping right all the way to the end of the level. umm ello ppl i reelly reelly need help umm im stuck at teh part w/ the part where its like a castle and its floating in the air o..o. Jump over its remains and down the other side. Ignitus calms Spyro's fears that he will turn out like Malefor, just as they arrive where the Destroyer will finish its circle. Now jump all the way down to the bottom and go to the right through the barrier you opened. Normal has Up making you fly towards the top of the screen whilst Inverted has Up making you fly towards the bottom. At the end get off and continue on your journey left. Three long years have passed since Spyro and Cynder were trapped in the crystal, since then Malefor has unleashed his evil onto the world. Discover now 48 results for 'spyro xbox 360' for sale in Ireland in, anything and everything in your favourite place. As usual head right, jump over the lava gaps and just generally going right killing the occasional Blue Wyvern until you reach a Yellow Orc Archer. Go back to the moving platform up to the top and then to the right. Now just drop down and go through that barrier at the bottom on the left. The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon XBOX 360. Time it so that you land as early as possible to give yourself enough time to run along four pillars all of which are going at the same rate. Another flight sequence, and it's exactly the same as the previous one. Kill the Rock Rat just ahead and then refill your bar (it auto regenerates slowly anyway (it's quicker when not the active character)) with the gem cluster. Keep following the purple arrow by heading right, kill another Goblin and once you reach a drop go down and head left. Another display is made. Genre: Wall Jump up a fair distance and then attack a trio made up of a Shadow Ape, a Blue Goblin, and a Red Orc. subject: The Legend Of Spyro: Dawn Of The Dragon. Smash the crystal below to get to the max breath for Cynder. Time to smash the wall on the right, there's really no clear identifier for such walls so smash into any that has a lot of wall behind it. Continue on this platform and jump up the step to the right. After a bit of dialogue with Cynder, follow the large orange marker and go right. please someone help me!!!! Rather than continuing down that path, they chose to bring players into a rich fantasy world with the terrific detail and vibrant colors to give younger players a new experience. You'll spot a switch on the wall ahead. Finish off the other arm and then turn your attention to the crystals in his lower region. Head inside up the slope and jump to the left at the top of it. Jump down to another similar stone platform where a Yellow Orc will run up to you. Spyro and Cynder are sent to the Ruins of Warfang to open the exit doors to Warfang from the other side to allow the troops to enter. Now run back to the left to avoid being squished by Malefor when he lands. Keep going up to the right until you can jump up through the floor above you. Go up it and jump up to the left, all the way to a switch at the end of a few jumps and one turn upwards. QUICK PEEK. Series: Cynder has to use her shadow power to slide under those gates. Spyro and related characters are and of Activision Blizzard, Inc. All rights reserved. Go down and talk to Spyro and Cynder will learn Shadow Breath. You can use the same combo moves as with the melee attacks, the only drawbacks being that some enemies are immune to certain elements and it drains your breath bar just the same as using the breath attack. Jump over yet more lava and then onto a crumbling platform, as you fall glide to the right to avoid the lava beneath. Jean-Marie Nazaret (console) Single-playerMulti-player Jump over the gap and kill another Wyvern on the grassy slope. I worked years on Gamefaqs writing walkthroughs. Jump off to the left above the path you were just on and then jump up onto the first platform on the ground. Jump up to the right and over some lava. Head to the right and jump along the platforms until you reach a Light Blue Orc and a Blue Wyvern. I KILLED IT IN 1, The Golem Fight is Easy Once you Get the Hang of it Now the Destroyer Heart thet is Hard. Jump off it to the right and hit the switch on the wall, head to the left, ignore the platform you just activated and smash a couple of crystals on the ground. I Love the first four pics of the walkthrough.Aweome!! Jump down to the first step down and then Wall Jump upwards all the way to the top (another Blue Goblin awaits). After an argument with Chief Prowlus, Spyro and Cynder volunteer to find Meadow, rescuing him from a troop of Grublins. Turn around and jump back up and out. Next up is the Golem. If you haven't gotten the hang of the flight sections yet, then just keep trying until you do. Jump up the platforms at the end and through the thin platforms. Jump up the platforms in the air to the top right corner. Continue Wall Jumping up to the top where you get to a large yellow glowing gate. The crystal at the top left has a health upgrade in it, head to the right and through the gap and into another place with platforms. The first one will give you more breath and the second will just give a gem. Congratulations. Wall Jump up the end and continue on to the right at the top. There's a few more Goblins and another Orc to kill before you reach a point with some moving platforms. Jump over the hole in the middle of it and drop down to the right. And that's it. And the third part involves trying to fly through some rings, this boosts your speed and refills your breath (you crash if it empties) which is quite helpful. Jump over the lava and hit a switch to allow Spyro to get through a barrier. Spyro Enter The Dragonfly | Many Cool. editThe Legend of Spyro series Spyro the Dragon, From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon cheats, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon forums, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (Nintendo DS), Watch the rising and lowering pillar in the water and prepare to jump onto it as it starts going upwards. Level done. Now you have a choice, either left or right. Jump over some more lava all the way to a switch on the wall. Activision Blizzard has no association with and takes no responsibility for the community fan sites to which this site is linked or the content thereon. Cynder will appear quickly followed by Hunter who gives her Poison Breath. Hunter appears to teach you how to jump, just carry on going right until you reach some platforms going upwards, jump up them and go left at the top. Continue downwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Lava and then turn your attention to the top ( another Blue Goblin awaits ) aimed at audiences... Arrive where the game tells you about looking down for you to go through and left not! Cynder go into its heart, taking out its Dark crystal arrive where game... First four pics of the Dragon green water, do n't waste your going. Left above the steps, kill the archer on the ground the moving up! 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