posterior labral tear shoulder mri

These normal variants are all located in the 11-3 o'clock position. The glenoid labrum stabilizes the joint by increasing glenoid depth and surface area, and provides a stable fibrocartilaginous anchor for the glenohumeral ligaments. MRI is not uncommonly the key to the diagnosis as patients may present with vague clinical findings that are not prospectively diagnosed, in part because of the . Additionally, a recent study by Meyer et al9 highlighted the importance of x-rays in evaluation of posterior shoulder instability. coracoacromial arch and coracoacromial ligament, glenohumeral ligaments - SGHL, MGHL, IGHL (anterior band). (14a) Normal capsular appearance on an axial fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR arthrographic image. propagation of Bankart lesions is relatively common following shoulder dislocations, with a rate of 18.5%. Posterior labral tear; < 15 decrease in affected shoulder internal rotation compared to contralateral shoulder . There are 3 types of attachment of the superior labrum at the 12 o'clock position where the biceps tendon inserts. In fact, the research shows that labral tears are common in people without shoulder pain and that the surgery to fix them doesn't work any better than a placebo or sham procedure. Materials and methods In this cross-sectional study, non-athletic young adults age 18-29 with no history of shoulder pain received bilateral shoulder MRIs . There was no subscapularis or rotator cuff tear and no superior labrum tear. Radiology. On MR arthrography it is customary to combine T1, T1 FS and T2 FS sequences for further assessment. Since that time, other authors have expanded this classification to the current . nor be effaced against the humeral head, and intra-articular contrast can enhance visualization of the tear (3). It cushions the joint of the hip bone, preventing the bones from directly rubbing against each other. The .gov means its official. On these axial images a Buford complex can be identified. Methods: 1994 May; 3(3):173-90. 15 Imaging of the patient in the ABER position can greatly increase the conspicuity of an ALPSA lesion, which can easily be overlooked on a routine MRI of the shoulder or on the standard axial sequence of an MRA. An anatomy drawing of a shoulder labrum. We have covered the tear itself and variants in earlier posts. A 2012 meta-analysis 4 demonstrated the accuracy of MR arthrography was marginally superior, with a sensitivity of 88% vs. 76% for conventional MR, and a specificity of 93% vs.87%. 5). AJR 2004; 183(2). Clinical Relevance: . Numerous capsular abnormalities have been described in patients with posterior glenohumeral instability. The thickened middle GHL should not be confused with a displaced labrum. Rotator cuff tears in the context of posterior shoulder instability or dislocation were once thought to be rare. Notice superior labrum and attachment of the superior glenohumeral ligament. (OBQ19.66) . Arthroscopy. Weishaupt D, Zanetti M, Nyffeler RW, Gerber C, Hodler J. Posterior glenoid rim deficiency in recurrent (atraumatic) posterior shoulder instability. Posterior Labral Tear. Posterior labral tears will demonstrate the absence of the labrum or morphologic distortion, contrast, or fluid infiltration [].Four primary diagnostic characteristics can determine pathologic tearing versus an anatomic variant: intrasubstance signal intensity, margins, orientation, and extension. The retracted end of the subscapularis (asterisk) is also visible compatible with a full thickness tear. MR arthrography has excellent accuracy in differentiating between SLAP lesions and anatomic variants. . 1, 2 The potential for more extensive injury patterns is also supported by recent biomechanical data demonstrating increased strain in the posterior labrum following an anterior . In part II we will discuss shoulder instability. In part III we will focus on impingement and rotator cuff tears. Such injuries may be referred to as reverse HAGL (humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament) or RHAGL lesions (Fig. However, posterior capsular tears may also be seen in the midsubstance (Fig. Which of the listed structures augments the posterior-inferior glenohumeral ligament and is a static restraint to posterior translation of the humeral head on the glenoid when the shoulder is forward flexed, adducted, and internally rotated? 11). The confirming test for a labral tear is an MRI preceded by an arthrogram. Description. Often, muscle wasting is seen clearly on MRI, showing atrophy of the muscle and build-up of fat. Fluid should not lie along both sides of the shoulder capsule. A posterior labral tear is referred to as a reverse Bankart lesion, or attenuation of the posterior capsulolabral complex, and commonly occurs due to repetitive microtrauma in athletes. Does posterior labral tear require surgery? A 25 year-old professional basketball player posteriorly dislocated his shoulder during a game a day earlier. Not All SLAPs Are Created Equal: A Comparison of Patients with Planned and Incidental SLAP Repair Procedures. 2021 May 5;12:61-71. doi: 10.2147/OAJSM.S266226. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. MR is the best imaging modality to examen patients with shoulder pain and instability. A posterior labral tear (reverse Bankart) is also present (arrowhead), and a bone bruise is seen within the anterior humeral head (asterisk). What are the findings? Adv Orthop. Other radiographic lesions that may be associated with posterior labral pathology and instability include the Bennett lesion, which is an extra-articular posterior ossification of the posterior inferior glenoid. The axial MR-images show an os acromiale with degenerative changes, i.e. If this appearance is present, a capsular tear should be strongly suspected (Fig. Shoulder dislocations account for 90% of shoulder instability cases and usually occur after a fall during sport or work activities ().This glenohumeral joint instability has been defined with the acronyms TUBS (traumatic, unidirectional, Bankart, surgery is the main treatment) ().Associated injuries to the labrum, to the glenoid bone, described in up to 40% of the cases (), and . To provide the highest quality clinical and technology services to customers and patients, in the spirit of continuous improvement and innovation. Mauro et al found increased retroversion in a cohort of 118 patients who were operatively treated for posterior instability in comparison with a group of normal controls, but the authors did not attribute retroversion as a risk factor for failure. The labrum has the same effect on the shoulder as the rounded lip of a golf tee has to a golf ball. Tearing of the inferior glenohumeral ligament at the humeral attachment (blue arrow) is also evident. Indirect MR arthrography of the shoulder: use of abduction and external rotation to detect full- and partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies The findings are compatible with a posterior GLAD lesion (glenolabral articular disruption). It should always be possible to trace the middle GHL upwards to the glenoid rim and downwards to the humerus. The posterior labrum is stressed with an abducted arm and posterior force. Tear of the posterior shoulder stabilizers after posterior dislocation: MR imaging and MR arthrographic findings with arthroscopic correlation. Reverse-bankart lesion: Also known as a posterior labral tear, this injury affects the rear and lower ends of the labrum. MRI of the shoulder has been found to be accurate in the diagnosis of labral tears. As a result posterior shoulder instability may present with vague shoulder pain, and a clinical examination is less demonstrative than anterior shoulder instability and may therefore be more difficult to diagnose. MRI can rule out other causes of shoulder pain. Posterior subluxation of the humeral head is readily apparent. Notice the smooth borders unlike the margins of a SLAP-tear. Imaging in three planes is advisable and additional orthogonal planes may be included in the protocol for a detailed assessment of the lesion. 10 A paralabral cyst indicates the presence of a labral tear. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), on Imaging of Posterior Shoulder Instability. In type II there is a small recess. The Management of Superior Labrum Anterior-Posterior Tears in the Thrower's Shoulder. MRA for SLAP - Is the threshold for referral too low? Evaluation and management of posterior shoulder instability. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. When there is an avulsion of the posterior inferior labrum, and the lesion is incomplete, concealed, or occult, it is called a Kim lesion. J Am Med Assoc 117: 510-514, 1941. sports. Usually it is an incidental finding and regarded as a normal variant. Unable to process the form. -, BMJ. Bennett lesions are more commonly found in overhead athletes, typically baseball players, and can be visualized on axillary radiographs.5 The development of this lesion is hypothesized to be secondary to either traction of the posterior band inferior glenohumeral ligament during the throwing deceleration phase, or impingement in the cocking phase.6,7 Park et al examined a population of 388 baseball pitchers, 125 of whom (32.2%) had Bennett lesions. Magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance arthrography and ultrasonography for assessing rotator cuff tears in people with shoulder pain for whom surgery is being considered. Radiographics. It can be a traumatic tear due to injury, or it may be degenerative due to normal wear and tear. CT and MR Arthrography of the Normal and Pathologic Anterosuperior Labrum and Labral-Bicipital Complex. Axial CT scan image depicting a patient with severe glenoid dysplasia, retroversion, and posterior subluxation. Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. A 20-year-old college football offensive lineman undergoes arthroscopic right shoulder surgery for the injury shown in Figure A. Post-operatively he complains of burning pain in the region marked in yellow on Figure B. Also, although better visualized on MRA imaging, a hypertrophied posterior glenoid labrum is evident in patients with glenoid dysplasia (Figure 17-8). J Bone Joint Surg Am 1993; 75:1175-1184. Look for impingement by the AC-joint. 2012 Sep;81(9):2343-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2011.07.006. Radiology. True anteroposterior or Grashey x-ray. Skeletal Radiol. Glenoid labrum (marked lig.) Orthopedic surgeons will tell you that the labrum increases joint stability and serves as an anchor for ligaments and muscles. {"url":"/signup-modal-props.json?lang=us\u0026email="}, Chmiel-Nowak M, Sheikh Y, Feger J, et al. The abduction external rotation (ABER) view is excellent for assessing the anteroinferior labrum at the 3-6 o'clock position, the removal of the acromion distal to the synchondrosis may further destabilize the synchondrosis and allow for Notice that the biceps tendon is attached at the 12 o'clock position. In part II we will discuss shoulder instability. 2019 Dec 12;20(1):598. doi: 10.1186/s12891-019-2986-1. especially in the setting of an acute anterior and/or posterior labral tear. MR arthrography had a large number of false-positive readings in this study. Glenoid retroversion was significantly associated with the development of posterior shoulder instability (P < .001). even greater mobility of the os acromiale after surgery and worsening of the impingement (4). There are also newer treatments to consider that don't involve surgery. Look for variants like the Buford complex. Apart from that, CT is superior to MR in assessing bony structures, so this modality is helpful in detecting co-existing small glenoid rim fractures. Tears of the supraspinatus tendon are best seen on coronal oblique and ABER-series. Imaging studies therefore are an important adjunct to the diagnosis and treatment of posterior shoulder instability. There was a fair amount of synovitis and thickening of the capsule posteriorly and inferiorly, suggesting a reactive change. Axis of supraspinous tendon. 5,6,7 The classic MRI findings of internal impingement, as seen in this month's case, include partial articular surface tears at the posterior supraspinatus/anterior infraspinatus insertion, greater tuberosity bony changes, and tearing of the . 5 A type 1 capsule inserts on the labrum, a type 2 capsule inserts on the junction of the labrum and glenoid, and a type 3 capsule inserts more medially on the glenoid ().The typical posterior capsule inserts on the labrum, either at the labral tip or the . Such lesions are generally found in patients with atraumatic posterior instability. 1998 Sep;171(3):763-8. Posterior labral tear - is not that common but is caused by the pinching together of the labrum and rotator cuff in the hind section of the shoulder. Future larger studies are needed to confirm these findings. 1999 May 15;318(7194):1322-3 It is not healed. found in 3-5% of patients undergoing routine MRI of the shoulder 12, 13 Denervation of muscle is identified on MR images initially by the presence of diffuse, homogeneous muscle . AJR Am J Roentgenol. The simplest form is the isolated tear of the posterior glenoid labrum with normal glenoid morphology and no associated periosteal or capsular tears (Fig. Look for tears of the infraspinatus tendon. Also, it allows preoperative planning if a posterior bone block procedure is planned. The labrum in the shoulder joint is a vital component that helps stabilize the humerus and shoulder blade during movement. These shoulder MRI findings in middle-aged populations emphasize the need for supporting clinical judgment when making treatment decisions for this patient population. 2006; 240(1):152-160. On the basis of these findings, careful assessment of the posterior labrum on MRI arthrogram may reveal the majority, but not all, of . Dislocation of the long head of the biceps will inevitably result in rupture of part of the subscapularis tendon. However labral tears may originate at the 3-6 o'clock position and subsequently extend superiorly. (2a) The fat-suppressed proton density-weighted axial image reveals alignment of the humeral head posteriorly relative to the glenoid, with an impaction fracture of the humeral head articular surface (red arrow). The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint that connects the bone of the upper arm (humerus) with the shoulder blade (scapula). Fluid distends the joint and only lies along the inner margin of the joint capsule (arrowheads). The anterosuperior labrum is absent in the 1-3 o'clock position and the middle glenohumeral ligament is usually thickened. Clinical History: A 72 year-old male presents with severe left shoulder pain and limited motion following a fall 10 days earlier. Diagnosis of a locked posterior humeral dislocation can be avoided by recognizing on the AP Grashey radiograph the presence of the lightbulb sign (Figure 17-3A), which is the humeral head taking on a rounded appearance similar to the shape of a lightbulb because of fixed internal rotation secondary to a posterior glenohumeral dislocation.4 In addition to recognizing the lightbulb sign on an AP Grashey radiograph, an axillary x-ray will confirm the diagnosis of a locked posterior dislocation (Figure 17-3B). If the patient is unable to abduct the arm, then a Velpeau view is an alternate orthogonal radiograph (Figure 17-4). De Coninck T, Ngai S, Tafur M, Chung C. Imaging the Glenoid Labrum and Labral Tears. These tears include numerous variations designated by acronyms similar to those used for the more commonly seen anterior labral tears. The axillary radiograph is also helpful in the traumatic scenario for identifying a posterior glenoid rim fracture or a reverse Hill-Sachs lesion. Orlando Orthopaedic Center's Dr. Randy S. Schwartzberg, a board certified orthopaedic surgeon specializing in Sports Medicine, discusses what's involved with. The most common types of labral tears include: SLAP tear: The term SLAP (superior -labrum anterior-posterior) refers to an injury of the superior labrum of the shoulder, at the . 8600 Rockville Pike Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! (B) Axillary radiograph demonstrating severe glenoid dysplasia with hypoplasia of the posterior glenoid and severe retroversion. A locked posterior shoulder dislocation is perhaps the most dramatic example of posterior glenohumeral instability. Figure 17-6. . Between 2006 and 2008, 444 patients who had both shoulder arthroscopy and an MRI (non-contrast or MR arthrography) for shoulder pain at our institution prior to surgery were identified and included in the study. Posterior instability of the shoulder can vary from minor symptoms and findings to dramatic events resulting in extensive, complex injuries to the shoulder. The posterior labrum is avulsed, and stripped scapular periosteum remains attached to the posterior labrum (arrowhead). In Shoulder MR-Part I we will focus on the normal anatomy and the many anatomical variants that may simulate pathology. It is present in approximately 1.5% of individuals. of the biceps in the bicipital groove. It . Crossref, Google Scholar; 73. The ligaments also aid in keeping the shoulder stable and in joint. Pathomechanics and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Thrower's Shoulder. eCollection 2019. 3, 19, 31 Our results demonstrate a success rate of nonoperative treatment of 52% at a minimum of 2 years after MRI confirmation of posterior labral tear. The radiologic diagnosis and surgical evaluation were compared to determine the accuracy of diagnosing a SLAP lesion by MRI. Reference article, (Accessed on 18 Jan 2023), {"containerId":"expandableQuestionsContainer","displayRelatedArticles":true,"displayNextQuestion":true,"displaySkipQuestion":true,"articleId":74948,"questionManager":null,"mcqUrl":""}, doi:10.1148/radiographics.20.suppl_1.g00oc03s67, pain or discomfort (usually a precise point of pain cannot be located). 2012 Jan;21(1):13-22 On MR arthrography it is customary to combine T1, T1 FS and T2 FS sequences for further assessment. Symptoms of a Shoulder Labrum Tear. Advances in knowledge:: On a direct MR arthrographic image, a posterior capsular synovial fold may be a normal anatomic variant. 2000 Jan;214(1):267-71 Normal anatomy. His examination is somewhat difficult due to his large size, but no significant abnormal findings are noted. A Meta-Analysis of the Diagnostic Test Accuracy of MRA and MRI for the Detection of Glenoid Labral Injury. The capsule is a broad ligament that surrounds and stabilizes the joint. There is an additional tear of the posterior inferior labrum (at approximately the 8 o'clock position) with small paralabral cyst formation and subchondral cysts in the posterior inferior glenoid. Comparison between 18 patients with glenoid dysplasia and 19 patients without dysplasia revealed no significant difference in outcomes between the 2 groups.20. Non-contrast MRI had an accuracy of 85 %, sensitivity of 36 %, and a PPV of 13 %. PMC On MR arthrography, the mean posterior humeral translation was greater (6.2 mm +/- 0.08; p = 0.019), posterior labral tears were longer (19.4 mm +/- 1.7; p = 0.0008), and labrocapsular avulsion was more common (83%; p = 0.0001) in patients with posterior instability than in patients who had a posterior labral tear but a clinically stable shoulder. As a result, subtle articular-sided partial thickness tears will not lie apposed to the adjacent intact fibers of the remaining rotator cuff The most common cause of a cyst of the shoulder is a labral tear. The ABER view is also very useful for both partial- and full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff. Posterior labral tearing was apparent on contiguous images (not shown). De Maeseneer M, Van Roy F, Lenchik L et al. Due to the tension by the anterior band of the inferior GHL labral teras will be easier to detect. A 27-year-old male bodybuilder presents to the office with vague, deep shoulder pain and weakness with his bench press. Insertion of the shoulder capsule onto the labrum or glenoid has been categorized previously according to a system by Mosley et al. MRI. What is your diagnosis? . 2012 Dec;52(6):622-30. 2017; 209: 544-551. In patients with posterior instability, the presence of glenoid hypoplasia is predictably higher, with one report finding deficiency of the posteroinferior glenoid in 93% of patients with atraumatic posterior instability.10 When diagnosing posterior glenoid hypoplasia on MRI, care should be taken not to overcall the entity, as volume averaging can result in a false appearance of dysplasia on the most inferior axial slice. (16b) A fat-suppressed T2-weighted coronal image through the posterior shoulder in the same patient reveals a severe strain of the teres minor muscle along the musculotendinous junction (arrows). Although x-ray findings are typically normal, they must be scrutinized to avoid errors of diagnosis such as missed posterior dislocations. eCollection 2020 May-Jun. Figure 1 is an artist's rendition of a normal shoulder joint as well as the trauma caused by shoulder instability depicted on MRI. Sports Health 2011 May, 3(3):253-263, Cooper A. His pain is aggravated when grappling with other wrestlers and when performing push-ups. Images in the ABER position are obtained in an axial way 45 degrees off the coronal plane (figure). A mid-substance tear of the posterior capsule is present with the medial component appearing lax and retracted (arrow). 4. by Jaideep J. Iyengar, MD; Keith R. Burnett, MD; Wesley M. Nottage, MD ORTHOPEDICS August 2010;33(8):562. by Schreinemachers SA, van der Hulst VP, Willems WJ, Bipat S, van der Woude HJ. FOIA AJR 1998; 171:763-768. The concavity at the posterolateral margin of the humeral head should not be mistaken for a Hill Sachs, because this is the normal contour at this level. A recess more than 3-5 mm is always abnormal and should be regarded as a SLAP-tear. 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