ultimax antenna installation

On the Ultimax site it says that the DXtreme antenna covers 6m to 160m and that ALL DXtreme models are of a different design that work most efficiently with the length of wire it is sold with. If youve purchase your televisions in the last 10 years you should be okay. http://www.ultimax-antennas.com/products.html. Also in this time I started using one for portable Ecomms and casual portable set ups in parks and beachs and many other set ups. (53') Don't have my coax yet to install outside. A seller on ebay (user lostchild2u) still shows to have some of their antennas in stock, but not the DXtreme that I was leaning towards. Palomar Engineers employs a dual core matching system that offers wide bandwidth (1-61 MHz), 500 watt PEP rating, and a connection for a . They are dirt cheap to make, esp for QRP or 100 watts. Those Ultimax Antennas are just premade 9:1 ununs with a precut length of wire. If youve ever purchased an antenna, you may have noticed a color code on it. THE ULTIMAX-100 ANTENNA , DESIGNED WITH THE H.O.A. The other downside is if you plan to run multiple TVs off your single antenna, then everyone in the house is going to have to watch whatever channels are available depending on the tower your antenna is pointing. Preform as advertised. The site will stand above all other ham radio sites by employing the latest technology and professional design/programming standards, developed by a team of community programmers who contribute their skills to the effort. UHF waves are shorter in length and higher in frequency, this allow them to penetrate walls and object more effectively than their VHF counterparts. Ultimax 20 Meter Double Bazooka Time Owned: more than 12 months. It can be used on a rooftop, by wall mounting or even in an attic mount installation. I was looking at http://www.ultimax-antennas.com/store/p10/ULTIMAX_HW-END_FED_ (NO_TUNER_ANTENNA).html or what you think would work better for 11m on their website. But today with an A index of 26 I contacted into the Balearic islands. In this case labor is going to cost you nothing. Excellent antenna with superb results! Copyright 1995-2023 AmateurRadio.com, All Rights Reserved. write to the Forums Manager. Once the coaxial cable is attached, power on your TV and run a channel scan. 95 MFJ -6120 20M End - Fed Zepp Wire Antenna $35. Jul 7, 2020. This aerial suited my needs as far as 88ft was concerned. manualTriggesAnchor. Antenna manufacturers that claim 150 miles, 200 miles or more are, well, lying! Initial installation should utilize a length longer than the recommended length shown. eHam.net is a community web site for amateur (ham) radio operators around the world. This means youll be able to stream 4 different channels on 4 different TVs off the same antenna without having to insert a splitter in your coaxial cable. I've used the 72' model in multiple configurations. For this section we are referring to the labor cost involved, hardware needed, and the purchasing of an outdoor TV antenna. Try to avoid any tight turns or corners. So overall I am a very happy camper with the antenna and in the spring I will try it mounted the other way and see how that works out. While fastening to plywood is okay, hitting solid wood in your roof is going to provide much more stability. This project involves a management team of volunteers who each take a topic of interest and manage it with passion. The other half will receive channels pointing in the other direction. At HamCation I brought about a dozen pages of my log to Albert to show him and let him show them off. I am blown away by what a piece of wire can do when tuned properly, even in an apartment building surrounded by other buildings. It hears so well. On CW and SSB I usually run just the IC-7300 barefoot. You can load up a step ladder, but that doesn't mean it is a good antenna. After moving into a new home, found out that ANTENNAS were a NO NO! This network tuner box is packed full of features and is capable of receiving signal in the new ATSC 3.0 standard. Durable. I have the transformer end up about 26 feet and it slopes down to about 15 feet. The outside on is great. On contest weekends I am one of the lower power guys out there but I still work lots of QSOs. Thanks for the comment Harry and have a great weekend. The Box end is 25 in the air with a heavy ferrite RF choke at the feed point, the wire end is around 20 SUper quiet, and I have gotten great reports and reception, with the exception of 80 meters. 73 and have a great what is left of the weekend. With eHam.net Reviews subscriptions, you can receive all messages posted Often they will go over the tools needed for the job and provide tips for installation. If you have comments, questions, or problems with this procedure please Its a really good product with great customer service. 73, Mike VE9KK. The green color indicates you have a strong signal. I use an LDG tuner at the rig then 55 feet of coax snakes its way along the floor thru two rooms and up a corner thru the ceiling into the attic. They will be extremely helpful when trying to align your antenna for the best reception possible. 73s I was able to string it up in a mainly horizontal orientation from my second floor apartment's balcony, with the far end tied off to a small tree behind my parking lot. Of course, if you feel the job is a little out of your reach, then we recommend contacting a professional installer in your area. Review Summary For : Ultimax DXtreme. Sometime in September 2018 the FCC started to change a number of televisions stations real channel numbers as a result of a channel auction. We recommend this RG-6 Coaxial Cable from Mediabridge. The DXtreme comes with your choice wire radiator lenghts ranging from 33 to 124, allowing homeowners with more space the ability of Therefore, carefully consider your options before purchasing. Operating Resources Site Info Login/Register Manager Manager - NA4M Manager Notes Reviews Home Reviews For: ULTIMAX HW-END FED (NO TUNER ANTENNA) Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop eMail Subscription Registered users are allowed to subscribe to specific review topics and receive eMail notifications when new reviews are posted. An additional advantage is that the antenna can easily be polarized vertically. Ultimax DXtreme End-Fed Antenna with Jackite Fiberglass Pole The other very important matter is, the designer and maker, Mr. Albert Mercado, is always there to assist you with any question that comes up. Made contacts on 40,15,20,10 and 80. Antenna works well without a tuner Except on 30 Meters where a tuner is needed to match it. For all things cord-cutting, tech and reviews. Now is a good time to pull out your compass or peak at your neighbors roof to roughly align your antenna in the direction of the broadcast tower. I have run 1000W SSB into it with no ill effects or SWR change. If your antenna comes with a rubber boot, make sure it is installed over the F-connector once attached to your antenna. The shielding of the RG-6 cable will provide protection from electromagnetic interference (EMI), however, if you have to cross an electrical cable, do so at 90 degrees. In general, the higher you mount your TV antenna the better (with some exceptions of course). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We did a full article on how to install an antenna rotor that we recommend you read if youre going down this path. The feed box is about 14 feet high. At this time with how it is I am not complaining at all. An electronic program guide (EPG for short) of all the available TV channels you are receiving. Free Shipping on qualifying orders at OstarMotorsports.com - Worldwide shipping options also available! Hello there, been researching for some time on different types of antennas mainly for portable / temporary installation. This makes them ideal for TV antenna installations where the terrain is relatively flat and free of obstruction. MSRP: 85.00. This End-fed antenna has a rating of 2kw which is more than enough of a buffer for me. Now is probably a good time to test your coaxial cable and connections. eHam.net is a community web site for amateur (ham) radio operators around the world. I also did some A&B switch comparison with my 40 meter delta loop and it worked the same on 10,15,20 meter and on 40 the loop was better by 1-2 S-units in noise level, but that's normal for a loop.This antenna is very well built, so If you are looking to buy and all band antenna this is it, Congrats! Its no surprise however, because once youve installed your outdoor TV antenna youll be receiving crystal clear HD signals completely FREE! If your antenna manufacturer has an installation video on YouTube, give it a view. However, sometimes it is not feasible to do so (for example if you live in an apartment or townhome). But it works so well and is totally invisible to the HOA so it's my primary. 17" Alloy Rim Wheels ! Its an already vertical structure on your rooftop and you dont have to drill holes in your roof or walls to secure it. Relocated the Ultimax 100 end-fed to the back yard. Find Details about Electric Bike , Electric Motorcycle from for Adults Ships to Canada 2stroke 49cc-Mopeds with Sisecar W Mini Trailer E Ebike Cafe 2 Mopeds 49cc 50cc Gas Scooter 4 Stroke Moped Electric. With the 33' model, I can't tune 160 meters, but I can tune anything else on the HF spectrum. Near house electrical wires and AC ducts. The major drawback to antenna rotators is the installation involved in setting them up. This is huge! Not magic, but it works. July 15, 2011 Ian McCollum Manuals, Uncategorized 9. If you must bend the cable around tight corners you may want to consider 90 degree coax connectors. If youre using the HDHomeRun CONNECT 4K recommended above, this means now you have 8 tuners that you can watch different channels on 8 different TVs simultaneously. Not only is coaxial cable run length important, but just as important is the quality of the coaxial cable you are using. I know that antenna is rated for 1500 watts but am amazed at how well it performs at 10. These are my SWR reading with 100 FT of RG-8 coax, 10-80 meter below 1.5 on all band. TOP-NOTCH ANTENNA and CUSTOMER SERVICE. And fT 817,FT 857,fT 897 AND YES MY TRUSTY ic706 of all three versions of that radiothe antenna has never failed in 12 years and proves to be a work horse.Its well worth it.and I love it alot for being easily deploy for being fast and durable set ups with itI own the 24 foot one and the other 2 has been modified for longer wire and I use a 1:1 ugly balun below the box at 2 foot inline.I have two friends we set up theres and there locations is realy tight with restrictions so I help them set them up stealthy and both been there work horse antenna with great contacts for them at there locations one is 130 foot and the other one I modified also its length to 83 Foot at there apartments..what can be said They work in many ways..I have used many different ones made by others and plans that I found online I made and also from Arrl Books..This one in my RF Engineering professional opion and being a ham its well worth it.For portable use and for restricted areas. I have a story to tell about the Ultimax 100 66' model. As demonstrated in the DTV Coverage image above, all channels near me, accept for one, broadcast over UHF. The antenna tuned well from 10-20m with the Yaesu's ATU but needed a external ATU in all other bands. Get your network tuner as close to your antenna as possible. Choosing a good location can often be the difference between receiving signals and not receiving signals. I get 10 over 9 reposts from many stations and I normally running just 10 watts. An outdoor antenna should be able to pull these signals in without issue. Installed as an Inverteted V with apex at 22 feet. Se habla espanol. Your ability to pull in pristine digital HD signals has everything to do with your location. Content may not be reproduced without written permission. I start the wire at the top and keep the balun about 6 foot of the ground next to the vechicle..also lowering the 2 top sections and starting with the balun at the top and wire coming down at a angle as connected to a guide rope mostly used in parking lots I find it works in that configuration wonderfulThe third on I have I have tried many configurations of length. To cover most any type of TV antenna installation, plan to have the following equipment tools ready: Below are the steps that you should consider taking to perform your TV antenna installation. I bought one and it worked so well that I bought a second one! No water front or height advantages at my QTH. You can try aiming the antenna in the middle of both towers and see how you fair. eHam.net is a community web site for amateur (ham) radio operators around the world. But VERY good as a simple easier to deal with HOA solution. I am currently running a modified Ultimax 100 with a 9:1 and a 84 ft replacement wire. The yellow color indicates that the signal strength is moderate in your area. Okay, a little more technical before we move on. If you can get your antenna 20, 30 or even 40 feet in the air, your ability to receive a good reliable signal is very high. ULTIMAX 100 END FED ANTENNA 1.5 KW 3.0 TO 54 MHz Perfect for H.O.A ,RACES and ARES Condition: New Quantity: More than 10 available 546 sold / See Feedback Price: US $85.00 Approximately 67.56 Add to basket Watch this item 546 sold Posts from United States 548 watchers Postage: US $13.00 (approx 10.33)Expedited Delivery | See details at the present house I plan to eventually install a much better radial system and put the Tarheel back up, or perhaps go to a bigger vertical. The antenna comes with the choice of a wire radiator length ranging from 33' up to 124', allowing homeowners with more space the ability of . The most important part is, this antenna is not an END FED antenna. Was not happy with performance of my MFJ 102 ft dipole up 35 feet fed with 450 ohm ladder line (I know, not high enough). I get on whatever mode I like on whatever band is open. OR LIMITED SPACE AMATEUR OPERATOR IN MIND, GIVING ALL-BAND OPERATION FROM 6 TO 80 METERS WITH THE USE OF AN ANTENNA TUNER. I just had a QSO on 20 meters with W1IS on CW at 1/2 watt QRP. This project involves a management team of volunteers who each take a topic of interest and manage it with passion. Review Summary For : Ultimax DXtreme. The wire runs due east/west about 6" below the ridge pole. Frank have a great weekend. Pickup yourself up an inexpensive digital multimeter and watch the video below: Now that everything is tested and run, its time to connect your coaxial cable to your antenna. This 124 foot end fed wire antenna was the answer to the need for a stealth wire antenna. Make sure your cabling is securely fastened and only run as much as you need for reasons discussed previously. You can check your current subscriptions and remove yourself from If you encounter existing electrical cables along your path, do your best to keep away from them. All Rights Reserved. Weve used them on numerous occasions and will offset the antenna mast three inches from the wall. Saw some good reviews on the Ultimax end fed antennas and decided to give the 130 ft no tuner model a shot. I have it up in a tree about 100 feet from the shack. Every band tuned with the 1000MP internal, no problemeven 160 meters. Reviews: 29. I put this antenna up in an inverted "L' configuration with line isolators at both ends; it is 21' up vertically, and and 103' out horizontal to a tree. My plan is to hopefully find an elmer to help me properly ground it and run line to it and into my house. Again, another overlooked aspect of proper TV antenna installation is grounding. Guilty as charged, and hope this is the start to my rehabilitation. For this reason, newer preamps on the market have adjustable gain settings. Top height about 28 feet sloping to the fence at 20'. If you have a compromising location and really want to get on HF, this is the way to go! Where the coaxial cable enters the house, be sure to caulk or seal up the hole around it. Okay, dont take that literally. Tired tonight. The results of the antenna have been surprising. UM8-22 8" Ultimax Dvc Subwoofer - Dayton Audio | Wagner Online . When you subscribe, you receive only messages for Simply plug one end of your antenna into the ANTENNA IN connector, and then run the provided coaxial cable from the TV OUT jack to your TV anddone! Using an LDG AT-600ProII tuner with it. A very knowledgeable and considerate person. That's dependent on the length and velocity factor of the coax I guess. If youre planning a rooftop or attic antenna installation then consider asking a friend to help. . Ultimax 100 manual. Regardless of your TV antenna installation type, ensuring the mast is perfectly vertical is key. We needed an all band antenna for our club station so we could cover bands that are not on our beam. Rather than explain step-by-step how to perform this test. With only 33 feet of wire. This will give you the height you need with only your rooftop and some insulation to penetrate. With eHam.net Reviews subscriptions, you can receive all messages posted Check out this article here for some troubleshooting tips and tricks. If they are casting a shadow on your antenna, there is a good chance they are also blocking your signal. Did they go under? Depending on your specific installation, it may be worth looking into. If youre splitting more than twice, it goes down hill from there. I recommend a direct connection to one TV if possible to test it. On receive, the Ultimax was several S-Units stronger than the dipole on 80 and 40 and about the same on 20 (at the time 15 and 10 were dead). On the ground lug attach two radials of the same length as the antenna and lay out in different directions around the camp site. I just string the 24 foot antenna wire from corner to corner. When mounting your antenna to a wall use wall mount-rated brackets to secure the mast firmly. As the title says, anyone know what happened to the company? I had mine for over 12 years. However, their limitation is they only point in one direction, which can be limiting if you live near multiple towers like I do. Now its time to buy a TV antenna. The antenna wire is all but invisible, easy to install, and Extremely efficient if installed properly. Ostar Motorsports is Your Parts Supplier for EBC UD1267 EBC 13+ BMW X1 2.0 Turbo (28i) Ultimax2 Rear Brake Pads - UD1267. Another tip is to ensure you apply sealant to all your exposed connections. The site will stand above all other ham radio sites by employing the latest technology and professional design/programming standards, developed by a team of community programmers who contribute their skills to the effort. The rest of my cables are about LMR400 specification. I have a Hex beam for the other bands. Mike VE9KK. Ultimax Extreme Antenna 1.0 to 54.9 MHz Posted date: December 10, 2014 in: Antenna The ULTIMAX DXTREME end-fed antenna covers from 1.0 to 54.9 MHz continuous and is rated at 2 KW (SSB) , 1.2 KW CW & RTTY. As I understand it the 49:1 will take a resonate wire for say 80 meters and give you low SWRs are 40, 20, 15 (in most cases) and 10 meters and so-so on 17 and 30 or not at all without a tuner. Ideally, find a roof joist or rafter to lag bolt your mount too. Don't look furter, this antenna really really work good. The antenna comes with the choice of a wire radiator length ranging from 33' up to 124', allowing homeowners with more space the ability of . the product you have subscribed to. The KX3/KX2/K3 internal tuners will load this up from 40-10 meter with as little as 33 ft of wire and if you go 50-75 ft of wire you can add 80 meters. Copyright 1995-2023 AmateurRadio.com, All Rights Reserved. While premium cables will provide UV protection from the sun, over time the sun will win and begin to break these cables down. THAT was a surprise! Word of advisedont cheap out on your cable! to a product via email. No, but it's a great antenna for those with HOA limitations. I compared it to the beam on many contacts and of course its 3 S units lower but for 40 and 80 meters it works FB - just like a dipole. After watching some videos and readi. I turned on my new IC-7300 and hoped for the best. match the antenna on all bands. it started of my back up antenna in case weather distroyed any other ones I have.Then up a tree it goes.But it work so well I kept it up to measure along my many antennas i have on my farm here in Maine.yes it takes a beating in rain and ice and wind.Very well made. Description: The ULTIMAX DXTREME end-fed antenna covering 1.0 to 54 MHZ and is rated at 2KW (SSB). You cannot go wrong for the money. This makes the antenna convenient for (DX) long distance connections. Reviews: 29. After a few weeks usage, I couldn't be more pleased with Albert Mercado's Ultimax DXtreme. This speaker cabinet is designed specifically for the Dayton Audio 15" Ultimax subwoofer (UM15-22), but works for any subwoofer with an overall diameter of 390.5mm or less, and a cutout requirement of 356mm or less. First Ever: Olivia Digital Mode on HF Weekend QSO Party, ICQ Podcast Episode 394 Working with SMDs. In fact you can expect to see the following losses, in Decibels, over 100 foot run of RG-6 coaxial cable: Channel 2 (approx. Something is not right.. Are you 100% sure this is a true 49:1 unun or maybe someone shipped a 9:1 unun.. Or maybe the matching transformer in the box is missing the cap that usually goes across the coil.. As I said..Something is not right. Description: The ULTIMAX DXTREME end-fed antenna covering 1.0 to 54 MHZ and is rated at 2KW (SSB). Ostar Motorsports is your Parts Supplier for EBC UD1267 EBC 13+ BMW X1 2.0 Turbo ( )... A number of televisions stations real channel numbers as a simple easier to deal with HOA solution TV. Think would work better for 11m on their website a new home, found out that were! Mercado 's Ultimax DXTREME end-fed antenna has a rating of 2KW which is ultimax antenna installation than,! 30 meters where a tuner is needed to match it free Shipping on orders... Fed antenna with a rubber boot, make sure it is a time! 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