future area of focus for sec comment letters

We use cookies to personalize content and to provide you with an improved user experience. percent of reviews with comment letters were for registrants generating $1 Also, participants have difficulty tracking issuer changes made to electronic filings in response to comments, especially in financial statements. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Few successful actions for implementation exist and many obstacles impair the unit's ability to implement the supporting objective . The table below summarizes comment letter trends by topic in the The Securities and Exchange Commission's Office of Inspector General (Office) evaluated the Division of Corporation Finance's (Division) comment letter process. The objectives selected for evaluation were those that management thought were both important and for which evaluation data would be useful. Pertains to 12-month periods ended July 31 This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. In each episode of our What's trending in SEC comments series, our guests bring you the latest themes in comment letters from the SEC's Division of Corporation Finance for the most common topical . Given the recent amendments to the rules governing MD&A, we expect comments on this topic to remain high. These include: communications with the public (with a focus on private placement retail communications and communications via digital channels); Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI), cash management, and bank sweep programs; direct market access controls; best execution; disclosure of order routing information; and cybersecurity. They were: Communicate Staff Findings - Document and communicate staff findings from the review of disclosure filings to supervisors by preparing examination reports and draft comments. We collected data primarily through six workshops (fifty-six staff or approximately 17% of Division personnel participated in the workshops). Management indicated that the reviewer should give the review staff a copy of the comments that were issued. Executive Summary trend may have resulted from (1) the SECs targeted review of climate-change The regulators will continue to penalize firms and their employees for failing to meet regulatory requirements, including fines and other disciplinary actions. Participants indicated that issuers sometimes do not appear aware of the protections available for the supplemental material submitted to the Division. You can set the default content filter to expand search across territories. 2023. Issuers and staff often discuss filing issues over the telephone throughout the review process. PwC. Dina Bass. While the SEC is considering new requirements related to cybersecurity and climate disclosures, we expect that the Commission will continue to focus on how registrants have complied with the existing interpretive guidance. The SEC began publicly releasing this correspondence in 2005 for filings made after August 1, 2004 that were reviewed by the SEC staff. Other marks used on this site for Smarsh products and services are trademarks of Smarsh Inc. All other trademarks or service marks used on this site are the intellectual property of their respective companies. (5) effectiveness of compliance programs. Areas of focus include: (2) cybersecurity policies and procedures, (4) adherence to fiduciary duty, including adequacy of disclosures, and. The insights and services we provide help to create long-term value for clients, people and society, and to build trust in the capital markets. The focus of our analysis related to the Financial Statements, footnotes and related disclosures made in Management's Discussion & Analysis filed on Form 10-Q and Form 10-K of companies with a market capitalization between $100 million and $1 billion. Specific enhancements such as improving the Division's EDGAR document upload capability are planned to be done as separate work orders, or "Technical Instructions," after the contract is awarded. We summarized the comments on flip charts. Smarsh handles information you submit to Smarsh in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Please see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more about our global network of member firms. This sub-element requires a specific average number of "exams or other reviews per month." The applicable policy is dated August 19, 1997. A written list of steps, referred to during the workshops as a "checklist," guide the examination process. Once the new standard goes into effect on June 30, 2020, FINRA will start examining firms actual compliance with Reg BI and its new customer relationship summary disclosures. We also expect the SEC staff Management Review We obtained and analyzed information concerning successes, obstacles, recommendations, and effectiveness ratings related to the primary objective and six supporting objectives identified by the Division for the comment letter process. remember settings), Performance cookies to measure the website's performance and improve your experience, Marketing/Targeting cookies which are set by third parties with whom we execute marketing campaigns and allow us to provide you with content relevant to you. reviews that are still ongoing or have recently been The staffs comments are in response to a companys disclosure and other public information and are based on the staffs understanding of that companys facts and circumstances. Follow our podcast. the 10% increase in SEC staff comment letters in the year ended 30 June 2022. Subscribe to receive a monthly digest of articles exploring regulatory updates, news, trends and best practices in electronic communications capture and archiving. Thus, an employee would be able to access the Internet but not the email functionality. Management and staff ratings of the importance of the supporting objectives were also reasonably aligned. Copyright 2023 Deloitte Development LLC. Recent SEC disclosure rules and interpretive COVID-19 pandemic, Russias invasion of Ukraine, supply-chain and labor issues, Focus Areas Relating to Investment Advisers, Investment Companies, Broker-Dealers, and Municipal Advisors . Such comment letters are along the lines of an illustrative comment letter released by the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Division of Corporation Finance (Division) in September 2021 . The staff and management disagreed about whether the measurement of staff performance was achieving the Division's objectives. Assistant Directors (ADs) review the most complex filing issues. }); At the beginning of each workshop, a senior manager from the Division introduced the workshop and provided background information on their purpose. The review staff faxes comments to the issuer, generally with a follow-up copy by mail. Use our Accounting Research Online website for financial reporting resources. This issue of On the Radar contains SEC comment letter considerations, including an update on SECs priorities; a summary of comment letter trends related to the top 10 topics of frequent comment; and future SEC disclosure priorities, including climate change, financial technology, and evolving risk. In particular, examinations of registered investment advisers (RIAs) will focus on RIAs that have never been examined. In addition to providing our insights on the nature of the SEC staff comments, we provide sample text from the SEC staffs comments and links to where you can learn more about the accounting and disclosure requirements addressed in each topical area. Deloittes Roadmap. Participants felt that the EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval) system should be improved to make it more useful in filing reviews. In-depth analysis, examples and insights to give you an advantage in understanding the requirements and implications of financial reporting issues. For at least the past year, the Division received feedback indirectly from companies on their filing review experience. }); Marianna Shafir, Regulatory Advisor at Smarsh, is responsible for regulatory affairs worldwide. The mean (median) number of comment letter rounds is 1.5 (1.0). Do not delete! As a result, the staff, especially the newer staff, do not get the benefit of the learning experience from discussion of the reviewer's results. Staff participants expressed the desire for Internet e-mail access. Follow along as we demonstrate how to use the site. You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing privacy@smarsh.com. investors. Source: Audit Analytics SEC UPLOAD of comment letters related to Forms 10 -K and 10 -Q that were publicly available during the 12 -month periods ended on 30 June each year. Andrew Vollmer, Mercatus Center Policy Brief: Does the SEC Have Authority to Adopt Climate-Change Disclosure Rules?, at 13 (August 2021) (because "questions about the country's response to climate change" "are major and contentious policy areas," any SEC rules in this area "would be misusing general rulemaking powers that Congress provided" to the SEC); Letter to SEC . OCIE also will continue to identify and examine SEC-registered firms engaged in the digital asset space, as well as RIAs that provide services to clients through automated investment tools and platforms (often referred to as robo-advisers). closed. We find that deals for which S-4s receive an SEC comment letter have a significantly higher completion rate, although the M&A process is significantly prolonged. Your go-to resource for timely and relevant accounting, auditing, reporting and business insights. Does your firm have policies and procedures in place regarding the filing, updating, and delivery of Form CRS. In turn, the Chairman contacted some of the companies for feedback on their experience with the Division's filing review process. A brief statement that precedes the sample comment letter reiterates the view expressed in the SEC's 2010 interpretive guidance that a variety of existing SEC disclosure rules may . This document is an HTML formatted version of a printed document. The staff thought the objective was not being achieved; management rated it as generally being achieved although some obstacles impaired full implementation. KPMG does not provide legal advice. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Click on a trend or select a trend from the table of contents to learn more. Consider removing one of your current favorites in order to to add a new one. Our SEC Reporting Update publication focuses on key trends in SEC staff comment letters issued for the year ended 30 June 2019, including an increase in comments related to the new revenue standard and a focus on the use of non-GAAP measures that employ individually tailored accounting principles. A number of the aforementioned trends are likely to continue in acquisition of a private operating company. For instance, reviewers sometimes appeared inconsistent in their approaches. Each workshop took from 4 to 6 hours to complete. FINRA will review how firms review, approve, supervise, and distribute retail communications regarding private placement securities via online distribution platforms9, as well as traditional channels. This message will not be visible when page is activated. Managers rated the importance of all of the supporting objectives slightly higher than did the staff. Some industries have no specialized guidance. Resolve Comments - Gain issuer acceptance of comments through implementing amendments and futures comments. This content is copyright protected. Review ourcookie policyfor more information. Audit Report, Appendix B - Effectiveness Rating Scales Analytics. In addition, we reviewed twenty comment letters to determine if they were prepared in accordance with Division operating procedures. These responses were generally consistent with responses from other issuer contacts the Division discussed with us. We also reviewed a list of 192 companies whose filings were reviewed by the Division and that were contacted by the Chairman of the Commission to obtain feedback on their experience with the Division's filing review process. This webcast will feature: Recent themes and trends in SEC comment letters Participants rated resolution of comments as the second most important of the six supporting objectives. Scope And Objectives Bell entered into a consent judgment to settle a civil lawsuit brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission . Read our cookie policy located at the bottom of our site for more information. The accountant and examiner each prepare an examination report to document their review. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. On the other hand, managers indicated that they view the number of filings reviewed as just one element of the overall performance evaluation. Background Are you still working? Please enable JavaScript to view the site. By providing your details and checking the box, you acknowledge you have read the, The following fields are not editable on this screen: First Name, Last Name, Company, and Country or Region. Less frequently, the SEC invites public comment on Final Rules, Interpretive Releases, and Policy . Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. Yes, subscribe to the newsletter, and member firms of the PwC network can email me about products, services, insights, and events. In these unprecedented times, the SEC continues to provide registrants with proactive guidance as needed and to conduct ongoing reviews and oversight to protect investors. These responses were generally consistent with responses from other issuers that the Division provided to us. Of these, 90% resulted in changes in income of 10% or more. However, despite these concerns, participants indicated they were proud to work for the Commission, in particular the Division. Workshop participants overwhelmingly reported that, although not perfect, the comment letter process is effective in improving disclosure. If the firm permits employees to communicate with customers through these systems or other non-firm email addresses, the firm is required to supervise and retain those communications. Select a section below and enter your search term, or to search all click The staff has begun issuing comments related to climate change disclosures on both annual reports on Form 10-K and registration statements. remember settings), Performance cookies to measure the website's performance and improve your experience, Marketing/Targeting cookies which are set by third parties with whom we execute marketing campaigns and allow us to provide you with content relevant to you. If a REIT takes a defined GAAP measure (such as GAAP net income) and thereafter "adjusts" for (i.e., excludes or includes) one or The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. Communicate Staff Findings Several participants suggested separating legal and accounting comments in the comment letter. Workshop participants anonymously rated how well the Division achieved each of its six supporting objectives. CEO survey: US CEOs brace for a recession of unknown magnitude. Read our cookie policy located at the bottom of our site for more information. FINRA included a checklist of what examiners will be looking for after Reg BI goes into effect: Firms should consult this years priorities letters to better assess their compliance with relevant requirements and regulators expectations. The comparisons included analysis of management versus staff, actual achievement versus importance, and opportunities for improvement. 5 The Commission is generally implementing the supporting objective. For example, draft filings are sometimes accepted to save filers time and money. Each general category contains an average of five sub-elements. Staff document and communicate findings from the review of disclosure filings to supervisors by means of an examination report and draft comments. 4. Our series on SEC comment letter trends continues with an area that often puts companies in the staff's spotlight: goodwill. All companies with existing or potential future SEC reporting requirements Event contents. Comments were received timely and they were able to resolve their comments in time to execute their transactions. After reviewing this information, the Office contacted an additional five companies, not on the Division's list, for their feedback on the Division's comment letter process. At the same time, participants felt they did not get appropriate credit for their other work such as monitors, confidential treatment applications, follow-up on previous comments, and no action letters. In these unprecedented times, the SEC continues to provide registrants with They also felt that the training manual was improved. In Participants felt that the review process could be enhanced with more communication between the staff and the reviewers. Cultivating a sustainable and prosperous future, Real-world client stories of purpose and impact, Key opportunities, trends, and challenges, Go straight to smart with daily updates on your mobile device, See what's happening this week and the impact on your business. The global business landscape has been changing rapidly, with the review documents filed by registrants under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Management reviews the examination report and draft comments for policy considerations such as materiality and uniformity with prior comments on similar issues. Municipal advisor examinations will include review of registration and continuing education requirements and municipal advisor fiduciary duty obligations to municipal entity clients. Do your firm and your registered representatives guard against excessive trading, irrespective of whether the broker-dealer or associated person controls the account? April 16, 2021 . disclosures aimed at providing decision-useful information to investors. The primary objective developed by management was: Management also developed six supporting objectives, reflecting the activities that make achievement of the primary objective more likely. All of the participants felt that their work made a difference and had an impact on the securities industry. This brought all comments about a particular issue together in one document and facilitated discussion and evaluation of the issues. At EY, our purpose is building a better working world. The analysis herein summarizes the The field work was performed between May and October 1997 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. 7 The Commission is successfully implementing the supporting objective. Asking the better questions that unlock new answers to the working world's most complex issues. Participants indicated that some reviewers read the entire filing before reviewing the examination report, others scanned the filing, while still others relied solely on the examination report. Please reach out to, Effective dates of FASB standards - non PBEs, Business combinations and noncontrolling interests, Equity method investments and joint ventures, IFRS and US GAAP: Similarities and differences, Insurance contracts for insurance entities (post ASU 2018-12), Insurance contracts for insurance entities (pre ASU 2018-12), Investments in debt and equity securities (pre ASU 2016-13), Loans and investments (post ASU 2016-13 and ASC 326), Revenue from contracts with customers (ASC 606), Transfers and servicing of financial assets, Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations (C&DIs), Securities Act and Exchange act Industry Guides, Corporate Finance Disclosure Guidance Topics, Center for Audit Quality Meeting Highlights, Insurance contracts by insurance and reinsurance entities, industry-specific SEC comment letter trends, {{favoriteList.country}} {{favoriteList.content}}. The SEC has recently started to release the comment letters and responses. Each success, obstacle, and recommendation was then coded and electronically transferred to a "resulting issue worksheet." The Division should design and implement formal training for reviewers. Dawn Taylor welcomes Dr. Pamela Larde . As registrants start to prepare for the 2022 3 The Commission is generally not implementing the supporting objective. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Office staff read through all of the comments and identified forty-two "resulting issues." Questionnaires are presented after each segment and at the end of the course to obtain feedback from the participants in an effort to continuously improve the program. If you have any questions pertaining to any of the cookies, please contact us us_viewpoint.support@pwc.com. Our SEC Reporting Update publication focuses on key trends in SEC staff comment letters issued for the year ended 30 June 2019, including an increase in comments related to the new revenue standard and a focus on the use of non-GAAP measures that employ individually tailored accounting principles. Participants felt that the checklist should be reviewed for possible revision. PwC refers to the US member firm or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. 12-month period ended July 31. The sample comment letter includes an illustrative, non-exhaustive list of comments that the SEC's Division of Corporation Finance may issue to companies about their climate-related disclosure or the absence of such disclosure. Management Objectives The growing number and complexity of cybersecurity risks facing investment advisers (IAs) have triggered an increased interest in cyber risk management by the SEC, including a planned sweep of more than 50 registered IAs and broker-dealers. Participants in the workshop discussed some of their concerns regarding the review process. future area of focus for sec comment letters. The filings are received by the Commission, sent to the Division, and then screened for review. comments the Division issued during its reviews of periodic filings of public You may withdraw your consent to cookies at any time once you have entered the website through a link in the privacy policy, which you can find at the bottom of each page on the website. Composite ratings by the participating staff and managers indicated that, except for program performance measures, all supporting objectives were viewed as generally being achieved, although some obstacles impaired full implementation. Enabled by data and technology, our services and solutions provide trust through assurance and help clients transform, grow and operate. As part of this work, the SEC has been sending comment letters to public companies relating to their current climate change-related disclosure, including to companies that do not operate in energy-intensive industries. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Both managers' and staff's scores indicated that the program performance measure objective was generally not achieved. Firms receiving comment letters from the SEC are more likely to restate financial statements (Adams et al., 2017;Cassell et al., 2013;Heese et al., 2017; Ryans, 2020). Specifically, the SEC asked companies how certain items (such as advertising or commission revenue, outcome-based . Ratings for this objective indicate that participants feel that the objective is generally implemented, but that some obstacles impair full implementation of this supporting objective. Also, updates will be provided on-line. In addition to cookies that are strictly necessary to operate this website, we use the following types of cookies to improve your experience and our services: Functional cookies to enhance your experience (e.g. KPMG professionals research, update and produce publications including in-depth handbooks. If you require a printed version of this document contact the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Inspector General, Mail Stop 11-7, 450 Fifth Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or call (202) 942-4460. Although not identified among the top 10 topics, COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war have been the source of various SEC staff comments issued over the past year, many of which have focused on disclosures related to (1) risk factors, (2) MD&A, (3) early-warning disclosures related to impairments, and (4) adjustments to non-GAAP measures. To send a message to . Some participants indicated that the 30 day timeframe to the first round of comments for domestic issuers and the two week timeframe which is sometimes given to foreign issuers did not appear equitable. Audit Analytics - SEC UPLOAD comment letters issued related to Forms 10 -K and 10-Q for the 12 -month periods ended 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2020. the SEC staff often issued comments on these topics to request expanded These outcomes of staff filing reviews were documented in "quantifiable benefits" memos. Very limited successful actions for implementation exist and obstacles are so prevalent that the unit is significantly impaired from implementing the supporting objective. The training is presented by various Division senior staff and managers. Successful actions for implementation are predominate and obstacles, if any, do not interfere in the unit's basic ability to implement the supporting objective. Members utilizing this blocking functionality should periodically conduct tests to ensure that it is functioning as designed or intended. Under the Divisions filing review process, the Management revised their objectives further based on experience gained in the pilot workshop, which consisted of senior Division management. 1 Twitter 2 Facebook 3RSS 4YouTube Division of Forms 10-K, 10-K/A, 10-Q, and 10-Q/A (which are To test whether advisors are using unapproved communication channels, I recommend setting up automated keyword searches For example, the Smarsh Professional Archive has the ability to automatically flag emails that contain certain words or phrases likely to warrant review. guidance related to MD&A and key performance indicators and metrics may Workshop participants agreed that the current process works well in resolving comments. The Division uses its comment letter process to communicate staff concerns and potential deficiencies to filers in order to improve disclosure. 2021 edition of this publication because additional 2021 See how we connect, collaborate, and drive impact across various locations. Participants identified numerous other potential measures of the performance of review of filings. These materials were downloaded from PwC's Viewpoint (viewpoint.pwc.com) under license. The workshops were set up to be roughly representative of staff involved in the comment letter process within the Division. Under the Divisions filing review process, the Division performs some level of review of each registrant at least once every three years and may issue comments to such registrants. comments joining the list. Responding to a comment letter? Smarsh provides marketing materials for informational purposes only, and such information should not be construed as legal advice or opinions. EY is a global leader in assurance, consulting, strategy and transactions, and tax services. Qualitative Analysis The insights and services we provide help to create long-term value for clients, people and society, and to build trust in the capital markets. Do your firm and your associated persons consider the express new elements of care, skill, and costs when making recommendations to retail customers? May be different upon comparisons with the Appendix B includes the scales used to rate the actual implementation (effectiveness) of the supporting objectives. We also reviewed reports of registrations filed between October 1, 1996 and June 31, 1997 (1,228 registrations receiving full reviews and 567 registrations receiving a monitor for one or more specific items) to determine the timeliness of the initial filing review comments. A number of the aforementioned trends are likely to continue in years to come. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Were reviewed by the SEC staff purpose is building a better working world analysis herein summarizes the the field was! 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