the question of hu summary

Description : The Annoyance of Fox Is Bothersome Endlessly summary is updating. They would wish Gregor would get annoyed by the clutter and leave himself. The reason why it can also be considered as a novel is because the book has a central theme and the main character called "Hu". However, due to the excitement of tapping into the profit of the new Chinese market, Peterson did not consider if Wu would be a good fit within the companys culture. In some of his books, such as the Grapes of Wrath, he intentionally uses a documentary style writing to give the book more life. All rights reserved, Custom The Question of Hu Essay Paper essay. Also, people in high-context cultures set the bar, Chiang Yees work was written in English and capitalised on the increased Western interest in China and the East at the beginning of the twentieth century. March is Womens History Month, dedicated to the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. Research Question: The book does not really discuss the reasons behind the Communist Partys extreme secrecy other than stating that the Party and the Politburo do not want any alternative power centers in the country. Hu Yaobang became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of CCP in 1982, the highest ranking member of the party. Chinese Mahayana eventually influenced the forming of more sects such as the Emptiness sect, a more metaphysical sect intermingled with old Chinese ideas. & Higgins, K.M. Although Gregor had no choice but to adapt to his new disheveled room since he couldnt move it himself and the charwomen wasnt going to move it either., He describes how Danny passes out in the back seat and Alex cranks the window down to keep the wind in his eyes (511). Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of information and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Hu gets this idea that he is going to meet the Pope. natural and social sciences, the humanities, and psychology. One thing that the book lacks though, is more insight on why the Communist Party is the way it is. With a growing open access offering, Wiley is committed to the widest possible dissemination of and access to the content we publish and supports all sustainable models of access. The big question of Spence's story - the titular Question of Hu - is whether Hu was rightfully institutionalized or if he was simply mistreated and horribly misunderstood amidst a wash of cultural differences. It is more less the same as talking to another person who holds a very different point of view from yours.The Question of Hu SummeryThe novel was written by Jonathan Spencer in which he brings to light the life of Hu a Chinese who was taken to France by a priest, Jean-Francois. Though, broadly speaking this seems like a valid point, more analysis is required to assess its veracity., China Goes Global: The Partial Power is an easy to understand, entry point into a world of scholarship that has, up until this point, largely been out of the hands of the public. CBSE Class 10 English A Question of Trust Summary. I can't help but feel that Spence is putting a bit much of his own flourish into the work though, and it can be difficult to tell if and where the historical account ends and a literary narrative begins. [ 3 ]. He asks Foucquet why, if a horse is being left unused, may someone else not use it?" It was valuable to the research because it gave good information to include and taught more about Nixons involvement in the scandal. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. This made the priest as well as other individuals close to Hu lock him up with the believe that he was mad. Eds. It gave readers an idea of what life could have been during that time in history., John Henry Newman was one of the most important Roman Catholic theologians in the 19th century, otherwise known as the Victorian Era (Shiefen). (2015). This story of a Chinese man's visit to Europe in the early 18th century is a really cool book on a few different levels. There are many things that he did when he was leader of China. John Hu accompanied the Jesuit missionary Jean-Francois Foucquet on his trip back to France in 1721 to help him with transcribing scholarly materials, but by the time they arrived in Europe their relationship had begun to deteriorate. Copyright 1999 - 2023 (Standeart 137) What we do know of Hu though is from letters written form Foucquet to. 3. The treatment of Hu in this book makes it clear that the European people viewed the Chinese as inferior second class citizens The Questions of Hu is not merely an account of two men traveling across the globe, but it is a narrative of how good intentions and ideas can turn into an international incident as a result of language and cultural . To what extent did the photographs taken by Jeff Widner of the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 affect the foreign relations between, Theoretical Foundation please sign up This lively and elegant book by the acclaimed historian Jonathan D. Spence reconstructs an extraordinary episode in the early intercourse between Europe and China. Some of those book are still famous right now, like "Twenty-four Stories about Filial Piety", The Classic of Filial Piety. We learn to forgive and forget. It is important to note from the onset that counter-argument writing is a situation whereby there are possibilities of objecting once argument upon introduction, explaining as well as responding to it. The Question of Hu, written beautifully by Jonathan Spence, should be considered an important contribution to the broad field of humanities. You may argue that Mr. Wang was perfectly fine reading our our essay, but Mr. Wang is one hundred percent Chinese just like us. C - a different media format. Dill's curiosity has finally become like an addition with them craving more and more leading to them taking such drastic measures to answer their insatiable, gnawing questions., The change of name from Krebs to Harold when a family member addresses him also indicates the lack of recognition that Krebs has grown up. I'm sorry, I have no information about the essay services. Marco Polo is important due to his travels from his home to China along the Silk Roads, working for Chinas leader, and recording everything he saw into one of the most controversial books of its time. Many of Hu s actions were very rash and the European society did not receive them well. Not affiliated with Harvard College. He refers to his sexuality as dangerous territory when saying that before he and his mother head out, she drags us through the apartment to make sure the windows are locked (507). It is evident that the European did seem to believe that their culture was more superior to those of other persons in this case the Chinese culture. Hus personality becomes a large . If you are interested in 18th century France, you may not mind. 5. 2008-2023 Custom writing papers. (2001 ). "World History in Context." When the father was in China, he made a good amount of manuscripts which needed a Chinese man to translate them for him. It was a quick and enjoyable read, informative for its size. It is the story of John Hu, a lowly but devout Chinese Catholic, who in 1722 accompani. 437-58., The two main advocates of this theory are St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century and William Paley in the 19th century; we will examine both in turn. This book tells of Hu Ruowang, called John Hu, a not-so-scholarly Chinese, who may or may not have been mad, brought to France in 1721 by a Father Foucquet and eventually impriso. The Essential World History. Of course, no human deserves to be treated the way Hu was treated in the insane asylum in Charenton, but Father Jean-Franois Foucquet would have benefited . The interactions that occur consist of the cultural differences between Chinese and European customs. I believe in Chinese culture, being given something not asked for amount to scolding. 6th edition, Wadsworth Publishing 2011. Before being locked up, Hu made a drum as well as a flag written in Chinese, "Men and women should be kept in their separate spheres". John immediately started to panic and started hyperventilating, which made Richard worry since he knew that John liked puzzles and tricks. We thank the Reviewers for their positive comments for our choice of model system as well as for their thoughtful comments, perspectives, and constructive suggestions to improve our proposal. Hus question, after spending almost three years in a lunatic asylum, why have I been locked up? raises the question whether Hu is insane or not. They even tried to coax him by promising better treatment. Clearly identify the problems faced by Qian Hu Why don't you go on home, Scout? The historical novel portrays a story of two people, John Hu, and Jean-Franois Foucquet. John Hus place in history can be summed up by the first sentence in the preface of the story, Perhaps the most astonishing thing about Hu is that we know anything about him at all. (Spence xvii) The question of why we know so much about Hu is that there were more than fifty Chinese who went westward during the eighteenth century, three of which were jailed in Canton under vague charges and stayed under arrest for eleven more years. Nevertheless, a good little book that can be read in a day or two. Canton is really four different cities in one, all of which abut each other (Spence 7). They should relaize that it is easy to see faults in others but hard to see their own faults., The charwomen was always in a hurry, and anything she couldnt use for the time being she would just chuck in there. (Kafka 36). 4. Dill and Jem were simply going to peep in the window with the loose shutter to see if they could get a look at Boo Radley (Lee 68-69). In this article, you will get lessons as per the syllabus for CBSE Class 10 Hindi. For example, parents would not be okay with their child traveling overseas because of merely one article written by another young adult. Although the question of his mental state is never fully answered by the author it is clear that Hus oddities stem from more than just cultural differences. Throughout the book, Spence addresses several issues on cultural differences between China and Europe, with their varied definitions of sanity, moral obligation, and social status. . Body 4 Subjects Our core businesses produce scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, reference works, books, database services, and advertising; professional books, subscription products, certification and training services and online applications; and education content and services including integrated online teaching and learning resources for undergraduate and graduate students and lifelong learners. 4th ed. Foucquet was in a major rush and didn't have time to fully evaluate Hu before he was hired. Candidate Number: 001829-0003 To see what your friends thought of this book, The sources limitations are that it did not include anything special about the scandal just the regular information. An editor This event demonstrates that Hus traditions and values are different from European culture. 1 It weaves an intriguing narrative about a Chinese, John Hu, brought to the West in the 1720s by a Jesuit priest, Father Foucquet, in order to help edit and translate the eleven crates of Chinese texts Foucquet had acquired. Print., Bibliography: Christian, David. Though Hus travelers are no more historically important than the three who were in jail for eleven, It is not very interesting and can be hard to follow if you do not find this topic interesting. The reader is led to have a sympathetic view of Hu, even though the narrator does not come out and explain exactly how the reader should feel, because he is a Chinese scribe in Europe where little people can communicate with him through speaking. In China, being a guest of someones home means being appreciative and good mannered, making Hus behavior completely, American Culture And Hollywood In The 1970's, Pro Athletes Deserve High Salaries Analysis. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions [Online version]. Authorized users may be able to access the full text articles at this site. Duiker, William .and Spielvogel, Jackson. This made him hold the view that Hu is his servant. The westernization was advocated not only by the Chinese like Gong Zizhen, but also by the officials of Qing government., Later, the book would focus on Mao. We are looking at other student housing opportunities both near the HU campus as well as other locations, said Dan Deitchman, owner of Brickbox. Roberts, History of the World. HU Student housing report The Questions of Hu In 1989, Jonathan D. Spence published a historical novel entitled The Question of Hu. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. So as on market HU also decided to give student accommodation at list for first and second year students, after the events of the student protest. Marco Polo was born to a wealthy Ventian family in 1254 (Burgan 7 & Gefen, 1. He later took to the street preaching in Chinese. By December, Foucquet and his European associates were completely convinced of Hus insanity. , however, this question points to that of defining insanity. The Question Of Hu Summary Decent Essays 826 Words 4 Pages Open Document Throughout the book The Question of Hu by Jonathan D. Spence the Chinese man John Hu often has his sanity called into question due to several episodes where his actions appeared insane to a European from this era. He was even threatened with execution, but he still refused to talk. Wiley is a global provider of content and content-enabled workflow solutions in areas of scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research; professional development; and education. Unremorseful, he questioned why he could not ride it while no one else was using it (Spence 51). 242-48. Jonathan Spence provokes various questions in The Question of Hu. Anonymous "The Question Summary". J.M. Each of the three authors of this article has the credentials and qualifications to write about this subject. The interactions that occur consist of the cultural differences between Chinese and European customs. This lively and elegant book by the acclaimed historian Jonathan D. Spence reconstructs an extraordinary episode in the early intercourse between Europe and China. The article examines Jonathan Spence's book The Question of Hu, asking the central question as to what difference it makes if the book is viewed as history or fiction. Out of nowhere, John began to look for something to throw, and he was successful once he found a bookshelf in the corner. In this way, the translation of idioms into Chinese can be easily, While there were no statistics or quotes, Kristof also presented a factor of logos. It uses an unusual present tense narrative style, is presented a bit like a diary, albeit written by a nearly omniscient narrator, and is liberally sprinkled with all kinds of insights into life and society in early 18th century France and to European-Chinese relations and their intellectual context. Our online platform, Wiley Online Library ( is one of the worlds most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resources, covering life, health, social and physical sciences, and humanities. A high-text culture is one in which people can understand without saying or revealing too much information. 2010. The Question and Answer section for The Question is a great Executive Summary 2 With the end of the Cultural Revolution and Dengs status as the Paramount Leader, Hu was promoted to Party Secretary General in 1980. The historical significance of Steinbeck and his writing are important because he wrote his most famous books about and during the Great Depression. John Hu accompanied the Jesuit missionary Jean-Francois Foucquet on his trip back to France in 1721 to help him with transcribing scholarly materials, but. In accounting, the different kinds of writing are the financial statements, the summary, 5/18/2015 It is worth noting that upon arrival to France, he gave his coat to a beggar and declared that he will do whatever possible to see the Pope. In the middle of the book, Mao Zedong is focused on. Or borrowed, according to your point of viewThe man [the owner of the horse] tethered his house and went off on his business in the household. He was a successful businessman too and had two helpers to assist him. D in computer software and theory. However, the question remains if Spence's research fits within the strict confines of historical literature, or whether its narrative-driven style is more characteristic of a historical novel. London p. 2-169, Jonathan Spences novel The Question of Hu covers mid-eighteenth century travels from China to the western world of a Jesuit missionary, Father Jean-Francois Foucquet, and a Chinese scribe, John Hu. Instead of storing their superfluous furniture elsewhere the Samsas needed to place them in Gregors room considering that they started renting their flat to three gentlemen, and since they placed it all into his room it makes it seem more like he is already gone and that it was never his room in the first place. Foucquets assumption of Western and Christian superiority is linked to his attempt to prove that the ancient Chinese texts were given to men by the same god that Christians worship in hopes of converting more Chinese to Christianity. Among the actions he did while in the voyage and even after arriving in Paris included eating large amount of foods at one given times, stealing a horse as well as not interacting with women and tearing a blanket while in an asylum camp. It is the story of John Hu, a lowly but devout Chinese Catholic, who in 1722 accompanied a Jesuit missionary on a journey to France--a journey that ended with Hu's confinement in a lunatic asylum. My conclusion is that Hu is not clinically insane; he is mistreated and misunderstood by people around him. Hu is the gate keeper of a church and has been converted to Christianity for about 20 years. Martin 's, 2011. After the Opium War, some Chinese people worshiped the Europeans because they had better technologies than Chinese. Another example is the last paragraph on page 52 and continues through to the top of page 53. I slowly raised my hand and he immediately began to tell me how I am such an idiot. I was used to being talked to like this so I did not let it get to me. This was then viewed differently by the priest as well as other French people and deemed it fit to lock Hu in because he failed to adapt to European culture (Spence, 1989). Jonathan D. Spence is a historian specializing in Chinese history. Wiley has published the works of more than 450 Nobel laureates in all categories: Literature, Economics, Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Peace. It just kept going on and on about the Chinese volumes that dealt with language and natural history. Also, after Hu was in the asylum One of the staff at Charenton gives him a warm blanket, of good quality, to ward away the night cold. Despite all their efforts to intimidate him and get information out of him, he refused to surrender. The reply that Krebs usesI hadnt thought about it,merges the conflicts he faces: how he will define himself at home and how he will handle the pressures of society to renormalize. 2. Throughout the book, Spence addresses several issues on cultural differences between China and Europe, with their varied definitions of sanity, moral obligation, and social status. In coming to this judgment, the article uses Spence's book as a way of reflecting on fundamental questions concerning the nature of history, fiction, analysis, and narrative. 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Introduction to Philosophy: PHIL201-1503A-03 website., Philosophy Fifth Edition. The book tells us about Hu's adventures in Europe, and Foucquet's attempts to keep him out of trouble. Being a foreigner in a foreign country, it is reasonable that Hu would be overwhelmed by unfamiliar. They did a market study and found out that there was an opportunity to introduce, To give you my complete and honest review about this book, Id have to say that for me it was really boring, at times it was hard to follow, and the way that its written was just weird. Boston: Bedford/St. Perhaps China was taking an evolutionary step to democracy. The source The Arrogance of Power written by Anthony Summers was written to teach readers about power and how it controls the nation., Sometimes though the English idiom metaphor, image may be relatively unfamiliar to Chinese readers, but because of its strong political meaning in a certain context, or have obvious western national and local history, and other colors, so it should be the expression of literal translation with original way. Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. Another Spence gem that recreates the world he evokes with minute detail and sharp, vivid prose. Vol. Nowhere else will you find a more valid or condensed analysis of Chinas growth as a Global, When the Starbucks company entered China in 1999, there were many criticism about whether this was a good decision to make. I'm sorry, this is a short answer literature forum designed for text specific questions. From 1500 to 1800, America remained to be a young country which needs money from trade to construct its capitalist system, so that politicians aim for getting more money from trades. Hu was to help the priest in translating a Chinese document. Some of them enjoy a worldwide reputation, like the versions written by John Minford and Herbert A .Giles., Mahayana was in a reconstruction period when it entered China, thus allowing China to have a large influence on the religion. He was visiting someone who had already been arrested by the paratroopers. (United States 2011), 346, Solomon, R.C. Wiley has partnerships with many of the worlds leading societies and publishes over 1,500 peer-reviewed journals and 1,500+ new books annually in print and online, as well as databases, major reference works and laboratory protocols in STMS subjects. Hu was to help the priest in translating a Chinese document. Introduction 3 I'm not, s. 3. While Peterson may not have any conflicts with other employees, hiring a new employee without consideration of how theyd fit in, is a sure way of creating potential conflict as she does with Wu. The Question of Hu In the book question of Hu, I learned that communication between two cultures and gets to experience many differences. Suddenly twins of Mr. Otis throw a large pillow on the Canterville Ghost and he, shocked completely, runs towards his secret chamber., Once she was in her parents bedroom, she pulled out the sleeping bag stashed under the bed earlier in the night in anticipation of the storm. "Hu stole a horse today. This story of a Chinese man's visit to Europe in the early 18th century is a really cool book on a few different levels. A Question of Trust was written by Victor Canning. Theory. Time management Though I did not care for the book I felt that Spence did a great job at making it historically accurate and attempted to make it somewhat interesting even though it wasnt for. Boston: Pearson, 2013. He was put under severe duress. I can't help but feel that Spence is putting a bit much of his own flourish into the work though, and it can be difficult to tell if and where the historical account en. . Or is it strictly about his travels from China to the western world of a Jesuit missionary. Print., Cited: Strayer, Robert. It is very unlikely that riding a strangers horse without permission would be acceptable in China so why Hu would think this behavior is acceptable is a mystery other than the obvious reason being that Hu is not completely sane. In the book, Father Fouquet is called from China back to France. Historically those individual being locked up were considered to be insane, thieves, rapist (criminals). Hu struggles to adjust to new environments in France, not because he is insane and unable to function in society, but because the new culture is too different from his own. World History. It is the story of John Hu, a lowly but devout Chinese Catholic, who in 1722 accompanied a Jesuit missionary on a journey to France--a journey that ended with Hu's confinement in a . The article concludes that, wonderful as The Question of Hu is as literature, it is not a true piece of historical narrative. The main desire of money goes back to Professor Changs idea that America does not stick to the territorial logic., Nixon written by Michael Schuman was written to teach the readers about President Nixon. The Question study guide contains a biography of Henri Alleg, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. We guarantee complete security, fully customized content and perfect services. A book Questions of Hu is a historical book written by Jonathan Spence, a British-American historian, who is specialized in Chinese History. Some of Hu s actions were a menace to society, however, they were more of a menace to Foucquet. The book contains information regarding the watergate scandal. Hus travels are no more historically important than those three that were jailed for eleven years. Hu s original question is Why have I been locked up? Spence includes a great deal of historical context while telling the story of Jesuit Jean-Frangois Foucquet. The Question of Hu Paperback - October 23, 1989 by Jonathan D. Spence (Author) 41 ratings 3.5 on Goodreads 442 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $12.99 Read with Our Free App Hardcover $101.13 50 Used from $3.43 3 New from $99.01 6 Collectible from $4.46 Paperback $15.95 76 Used from $2.25 6 New from $6.87 1 Collectible from $9.95 facing the man who brought him. These two tests vary in planned purpose, content selection, and scoring process, which determines how the educator construes the test outcomes. Something went wrong with your request. Most of the times, he was very unpredictable as he could be happy then suddenly become angry. (1) I can clearly make a correlation between Hu and the culture of Inkas and Astecs that we learned in the class. A very frequent question will arise in our mind; why the author depicted ghost in such an awkward situation? Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Annoyance of Fox Is Bothersome Endlessly. It is important to note that at present, due to globalization, the world has turned into a global village, for all people to successfully coexist, there is need to appreciate the varied cultures. Founded in 1960, History and Theory Before Newman was a part of the Oxford movement, he was a very popular priest at Oxford, and he later became a cardinal. Anyone who's been an outsider or. He constantly held the opinion that women and men should be separated, a thorn to European flesh. For instance when he slept in one of the bedrooms in Paris, he found out that the room was stuffy and the bed was above the ground, he resorted to sleeping on the ground/floor. Chinese and Americans live in different cultural background, so they have different tones and views when they are writing the same prompt. Spence includes a great deal of historical context while telling the story of Jesuit Jean-Frangois Foucquet. As a comrade working under Deng since the 1930s, Hus political ups and downs mirrored Dengs turbulent political career. They tried to force Hu adopt to theirs culture while on the other hand he did not even attempt to force or entice them to adopt Chinese culture (Mojtabai, 2006). The believe that he was leader of China with their child traveling overseas because of merely one article by. 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